Let’s talk about the five most important steps in your paid advertising marketing strategy. We will start with the foundation: Mandatory steps which you don’t wanna skip if you don’t want to burn money with your paid traffic. And we will end with top notch steps that separate the most successful marketers from those who just survive the steady change of channels and algorithms. Those last steps will not only save you money, they will 10x your conversion rates.
Your first step in your paid advertising marketing strategy
I am a big fan of ABBA and their amazing music. So it is no coincidence that it is one of their songs which comes to my mind when I think of Step 1. In „The Winner Takes it All“ there is a verse which says “But what can I say, RULES must be obeyed.”

Yes, and that’s the truth for paid traffic too. If you like it or not, when you are using paid advertising for your business, you are playing on someone else’s playground, be this Facebook, Google, Twitter or any other channel.
Because, if you don’t play by the rules: your account will be closed down and the key is thrown away, probably forever. Even big spenders in paid online marketing suffer(ed) from this procedure. There is no exception from these rules.
Now there are people who want to show you in (expensive) courses how to avoid the big ban, want to show you workarounds, offer you tricks and tipps to get your account back and so on. But in the end it’s always the same: read the rules first and then create your ad (image and text) afterwards.
Also make sure that your business credentials are in order in your ad account: Domains must be registered and verified, credit card must be valid and the platform – Facebook, Google etc. – have has all contact details of your company.
And if you have the slightest feeling of insecurity that something in your ad could be against a rule, just remember the old saying of your time at school:
If in doubt, leave it out!
Take a look at Step 2 of the best paid advertising marketing strategy
This really applies to anything in online marketing. Not only for paid ads, but also for email marketing, funnels and organic content.

Test, test, test and test again. For Facebook ads it is testing:
Different Images and/or videos
Different “Headlines”
Different copy (short, long, introduction, end)
Different Audiences (interests, jobs, ages etc.)
Different locations.
For Google Ads it is testing:
Different Keywords
Different Keyword combinations and long tail keywords
Different headlines
Different price bids and some more….
That may sound a little elaborate but it is worth it or to say it this way: How do you want to know what works best if you don’t test it. And when you see which headline works best, use this and tweak a copy of this successful headline to run the next test. Again and again and again. So don’t waste your money, use it only for your best working ads.
What is step 3 of your best paid advertising marketing strategy?
Who is your ideal customer? And What is their most urging problem?

If you don’t have an answer to those two questions, you are absolutely lost. And as a consequence: Don’t spend any money on paid ads!!! Because there is better use for your money than burning it.
So do your homework and find your perfect customer avatar:
– how old are they
– what job do they have
– what hobbies do they have
– are they living in rural or urban areas
– where do they hang out
– what do they like
– what is their income
– do they have kids
and a bunch of further questions. And if you have this avatar, ask the second question: What is their most urging problem, the problem that YOU can solve with your offer? What do they need that you have?
And the rest? very simple and easy: Go where your avatar hangs out and offer them your solution.
As a first step take a look at your own posting timeline: Did you write and talk about your customers’ problems? Did you solve those problems? No? OK, go back to square 1.
Paid advertising marketing strategy: Step 4
You wanna know where to earn top dollar with paid traffic? Track all your marketing activities! And in any case track the results of your paid advertising.

Use pixels and tags to put cookies in the bag of your prospects and customers. And follow their way through your sales process:
How many clicks on your ad lead to how many opt-ins on your leadpage,
lead to how many front-end sales,
lead to how many OTO-sales
How many video views lead to clicks on your link,
lead to optins on your leadpage and so on.
Only if you know the numbers you can control the game. So get your pixels in place before you start advertising and learn how to evaluate your results.
Need help with this? No problem: you know who you may ask for support, right? Just click on this link and ask your questions.
Final step of your most successful paid advertising marketing strategy
The one most successful step with paid traffic strategies: Use Retargeting. Why? And even more important: How? Well, I am here to help, so let’s go trough this together.

1) Why: Remember the customer journey we talked about in one of the former articles on this blog (link) ? From cold to warm to hot audiences?
From them not-knowing about you and your solution or even not-knowing about the problem they have to “I want to have this solution right now!”?
In order to know, when you have to address them with which kind of copy, image, video and offer you have to know, in which phase of this customer journey they are and re-target them in this exact place with the right approach. This will increase your chance for sales to an amazing 10X.
2) How: Take a look at Step 4.Track your customers journey through your funnel. And use the cookies you gave them to address them with this one kind of ad which suits their actual need: If they opted in but didn’t buy: let Facebook deliver your ad for warm audience to them. If they were already on your sales page and saw your offer, let Facebook show them your ad for the hot audience… OK?
Now, there are many further ways to target and retarget audiences, so that you get the maximum success for the amount you paid. Take a look at this link where you will find many amazing tools I personally use every day. And these tools will make your life much much much easier.
That’s it again folks! Thanks for reading this article on the best paid advertising marketing strategy for your business.I hope you got some valuable informations. Don’t hesitate for ask your questions in the comments below. And stay tuned to our next week’s article on five dos and don’ts of direct contacting your prospects. Aaaand: don’t forget to share this with your friends: they’ll love you for that.