Facebook is one of the most visited sites on the entire internet. It is also the number one social networking site in the world. People from all corners of the globe visit Facebook and interact with others while using it. No one should be surprised that such a platform is also a great way to reach potential customers. Some businesses spend their entire advertising budget on Facebook ads, and they have great success. Here we’re going to help you understand what Facebook ads are and how to use them.
Why Facebook ads are so successful.

The only company that knows more about your online behavior than Facebook is Google. Some say Facebook knows more about you than Google does. Facebook knows everything about you. Facebook knows what your favorite type of music is, your favorite restaurants, and who you spend the most time talking to. They also know all of this information about the people you talk to regularly. All of this information allows them to come up with a pretty good idea about who you are. Along with all that, you give Facebook quite a bit of information voluntarily as well. You like and follow several people and brands. All of this is information that they use to paint a picture of who you are.
Have you ever seen those little Facebook share buttons on sites?

Those buttons are also tracking your web browsing outside of Facebook. It’s just another piece of the puzzle when it comes to the amount of information Facebook has about you. They know about your behavior outside of their site as well as what you’re doing on it. Facebook has a pretty good idea of what each of their users likes, dislikes, and where they spend their time online. It’s a vast amount of information that they collect on people all the time.
None of this is meant to scare you.

You probably already know that Facebook is collecting all kinds of information about its users. This meant to show you that it’s possible to target the exact type of customer who is interested in what you have to offer them. You see, Facebook collects all of this information to make buying advertising on their site more attractive to advertisers. Facebook knows that it’s vital to marketers that they’re able to reach the exact audience their offer is suited for. Facebook can pinpoint the correct person your offer is best for because they have all the information required. This is a marketer’s dream come true since they can target a particular group of people who are interested in what they’re selling.
It’s all about putting your ad in front of the perfect person.

Hopefully, now you can see why Facebook collects this information. Also, you can probably see where this is going. You have something you want to sell someone. The goal is to reach the best possible person who will react to your ads. That’s exactly what all of this is about. It’s about you putting an advertisement in front of someone who is most likely to react to it. That is Facebook marketing in a nutshell. You whittle down the perfect buyer until you know exactly who they are. Once you’ve figured out who that person is, then it’s time to show them advertising.
Do market research before considering placing an ad.

This is probably the one area where people fail the most. It’s not uncommon for online marketers to spend more time thinking about the process of marketing than the people who they are trying to reach. There is a learning curve involved when it comes to using an advertising platform and creating an advertisement. Too often, people spend all of their energy trying to figure out how all of this stuff works and not who their ideal customer is. If there is one reason why most marketers fail, that’s it right there. They haven’t done the homework to determine who is going to buy what they’re selling.
Research and find the perfect customer for your offer.

For some of you, this is going to come as second nature. You live, sleep, and eat your niche. While for others, it’s going to take a little bit more research. The first things you’re going to want to ask yourself is how old is the ideal customer? You’ll also want to consider sex, race, and income level. All of these things are an essential part of your marketing plan. If you’re going to be successful, then you’ve got to target the exact customer out of millions of people.
Don’t forget to zero in on their interests.

Facebook also allows you to market to people who have specific interests. Does your ideal customer watch a certain television show or listen to a particular style of music? It’s possible to target those who have a specific interest that is related to your niche. You need to consider all of the things your potential customers are interested in. It’s possible to discover an untapped area that people aren’t exploiting yet. If you can find such a demographic, the reward for your efforts will be pretty sweet.
It’s all about putting your ad in front of the person who’s going to react to it.

Up until this point, you may have been wondering what’s the purpose of all of this. Why do you care if your ads are shown to such a small number of people and not the broad general audience that Facebook has? The reason you want to be as specific as possible is that you want your ad shown to only those people who are interested in it. That makes sense. Doesn’t it? Why would you want your funny T-shirt about golfing to be shown to someone who has zero interest in golf? You want your ads only to be seen by those people who have a direct interest in what you’re selling.
Facebook ads are built to convert.

It’s all about conversions in the end. Facebook fully understands you’re not going to buy ads on their site if the traffic doesn’t convert. The reason why Facebook ads convert so great is that you’re able to target a very specific audience. You can’t be too ultra-niche when it comes to your traffic purchases. You want to show your ads to only those who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer them. It doesn’t make sense to show men products geared towards pregnant women. The end goal is always to achieve the highest amount of conversions possible. The way you do that is by showing the person precisely what they want.
You will have to split test your ads.

What is split testing? This is the method that you use to find out which ad works the best. You will find that some ads convert better than others. No one makes a high converting ad on their first attempt. You may be surprised to find out that seasoned internet marketers split test their ads. It’s not possible to know right out of the gate if an ad is going to work. Sometimes people respond better to different colors, sales copy, or even the music in a video. You will be surprised by how little tweaks can have a significant impact on your conversions. You should never run an ad without split testing it to see what is the most effective.
Don’t forget to split test your landing pages as well.

It’s not just enough to split test your ads. You’ve also got to split test the landing pages as well. No one creates a high converting landing page right from the start. You want to keep tweaking it until you’ve got it perfected. It’s going to take some time to learn what people in your niche react to the most when they land on a page. Sometimes it can be surprising to learn that what you think will work doesn’t. It takes quite a bit of trial and error to create the right page that makes the person react in the way you want them to.
Continually tweak your ads and landing pages.

You can never be happy with your conversion rate. Always try to squeeze as much profit as you can from your ads. There are no such things as over-optimizing your advertising. It’s all about you making the most profit possible with the amount of money you have. You also need to realize that the more money you make, that means you can buy more ads. Your ability to move forward will be dependent on how successful your ads are. If you want to make it big, then you’ve got to never settle for second best.
Thank you for reading this presentation. Click below for Facebook Ads Explained 2019 – Part 2 to read the rest of the report. Thanks again.